Seeds and thoughts.

Tomorrow is the manifestation of the seed of thought that I sow yesterday. This life is nothing but a series of thoughts manifesting.

Thought is positive and the day is positive.
Thought is negative and the day is negative. 

here's what is confusing, this good bad, positive negative are very very very relative.
what is good for me might be bad for others.
what is bad for me might be good for others.
so what is true ?
to ask more precisely what is that thing that gives power to thought.

is it truth ? is the truth equally good for everybody ?

supoose there is a state of perfection.
then how do I reach there ?
how do I know that the thoughts I think will take closer and not away.
how do I know what thoughts are actually good or what thoughts are actually bad ?

will I ever know this? Is there any way to verify ?

how to select right thought so that I reach that state of perfection ?


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