Destiny Fate Karma Choice.
Destiny Fate Karma Choice.
Do you believe in destiny ?
Do you believe in fate ?
Do you believe in karma ?
If not, let's just peek into its philosophy.
This earth is a karma-Bhumi.
Meaning, land of action.
Every action or Every karma, good or bad, creates a consequence.
This is the beginning of the loop.
But let us just go before the beginning of the loop.
Karma is the result of choices.
Choices are the outcome of impulses.
Impulses are built up as a necessary reaction to encounter a particular situation.
Now here is a catch.
We all are born and brought up in different surroundings.
The soil in which we grow varies from place to place.
So for the same situation, different people will develop different impulses, different reactions.
While the ultimate goal is to cope up with the situation, the ways to cope up are different and vary from person to person.
Because of these differences in opinions, ways of thinking are opposite.
People tend to believe that their way of dealing with situations is right.
Because of the belief in their own ideas, people are ignorant of others' opinions, which develops ego. Which in turn gives rise to good and evil, Right and wrong. Virtue and vice. Action and reaction.
Now because of this varied opinion we knowingly or unknowingly do a negative karma.
Once a karma is done, it is for sure going to come back. The loop of cause and effect will continue until and unless things balance itself out to the original equilibrium.
Every single soul born on earth carries with it its own fate, its own destiny.
Destiny is something that cannot be avoided, something that has to be fulfilled in that particular time, at that particular instant. Fate is the road that leads to the destiny. Fate may be change, altered, manipulated, But it will ultimately lead to the same destiny.
To sum it up, each karma creates a consequence which we have to encounter, that is destiny.
The road that leads to that destiny is the fate. The root cause of this loop is choice.
Now, how does it matter to us anyway ?
Our very lives are governed by this universal laws. These laws were there before our time and will be there after our time. The day we were born we were trapped in this karmic loop. Because our birth itself was meant to settle out the debts or profits given to us by our ancestral history. its not a coincidence that we are born to a particular house to a particular parents.
If for a moment, we assume that reincarnation theory is true, then everything makes sense.
Now, considering this interconnected life, where action of one individual may cause harm or benefit to other individual, it is very essential that whatever choices we make should be out of clean conscience and pure heart. So that everyone can help each other to reach their own destiny.
Together we can reach that perfect equilibrium and stop this loop of punishments forever.
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