
Bramha's Creation.

  Creation. Note :- This is inspired purely from philosophical and mythical ground and not on scientific notions. The following post is purely meant to understand the primal cause with means of absurd symbolism and metaphoric interpretation. Under no means it claims to be true. 10/06/1995. Today I am 29 years old and I have a identity. My name is my identity. However I do not  recognize myself by my name, as a matter fact my identity is defined by my experience. There is a cloud of emotions, experience, memories which gives me a hint of my individuality. My identity is reflected deep with in my memories.  But is it who truly I am. ? who am I anyway ? what defines me ? this body goes on a continues change, from birth to death, my face changes, my body shape changes, nothing is permanent. I got manifested in flesh and bones and will turn to dirt again someday. Is this all about me ? is this is all life is about ?  Between life and death lies my entire existence? my entire individuality.


In the same way that the ancient Hindu scriptures tell tales of vast knowledge and wisdom, such as the Vedas, or how Greek thinkers sought truth and understanding, there's a vast treasure of knowledge from long ago. Much of this is now scattered and lost, reminding us of the lost city of Dwarka from Hindu lore or the elusive Atlantis from Greek tales. Like Arjuna in the Bhagavad Gita, standing confused on the battlefield, we too often find ourselves lost in the midst of incomplete knowledge. We're searching for clarity, for that guiding voice like Krishna's to show us the way. The old Greek philosophers, like Socrates, also had questions. They'd gather in places like the Agora and debate, hoping to piece together a clearer picture of the world. Today, we're on a similar quest. We might not have chariots or ancient Agoras, but we have stories, writings, and a burning curiosity. Can we, using what we've learned, reclaim that lost wisdom? This journey is like the q

Seeds and thoughts.

Tomorrow is the manifestation of the seed of thought that I sow yesterday. This life is nothing but a series of thoughts manifesting. Thought is positive and the day is positive. Thought is negative and the day is negative.  here's what is confusing, this good bad, positive negative are very very very relative. what is good for me might be bad for others. what is bad for me might be good for others. so what is true ? to ask more precisely what is that thing that gives power to thought. is it truth ? is the truth equally good for everybody ? supoose there is a state of perfection. then how do I reach there ? how do I know that the thoughts I think will take closer and not away. how do I know what thoughts are actually good or what thoughts are actually bad ? will I ever know this? Is there any way to verify ? how to select right thought so that I reach that state of perfection ?

Abstract Comparisons.

How beautiful is the moon ? Not more beautiful than the face of your soul-mate. How deep is the ocean ? Not deeper than a Mother's love. Where does a struggle of river, ever-flowing, ends ? exactly at a point where it mergers with it's true greater self. How mighty are mountains? As mighty as our inner strength. How far stretched is the sky ? As far stretched as blessings of our parents. How many stars are out there ? As many as wishes are there in our hearts. How far does the light reach ? As far as prayers coming out of from a thought. To what corners of the universe can darkness extend ? Everywhere, where there is no shining star of faith. How bright is the sun ? As bright as a awakened spirit. How big is the universe ? Not bigger than our soul. How far is the throne of god ? Very close!,  Right with in our heart!

Break-Out !

Break-out. I got to break out, I have to. Problem was not with anyone. No one is to blame, just cant blame anyone. If it was for one person, I could have easily blamed and moved on. Who doesn’t want to move on? The fact is world is not goanna change for me. Their attitude will always be like this for me. Or to be more precise, their attitude will always be like this for a handicapped creep like me. I am being tortured, psychologically. There are just so many memories that I cannot take. If it was for one day or so, life wouldn’t have been this difficult. This trauma goes on a daily basis. I am so tired; I can’t entertain this any longer. If there was something from my side that was lacking, I would have said myself to improve. There is no mistake from my side, there never was any mistake from my side. I am not to be blamed. I got to get out of this guilt. There is nothing that I have to improve to get accepted. There is nothing that I have to fix to shorten these distances. It’s their



A symphony for fallen soul

What is this strong sensation on the back of my spine? Something is not right. Some evil presence I can sense near my side. The air in the surrounding has changed A dark feeling is starting to suffocate. What is this so dark and not divine Eyes search to kill it, but nowhere to find. My heart pumps irregularly. He is here again, to mock me regularly. The same feeling is corrupting my soul again, The demon-possessed the body of people I love,  and their judgemental eyes are staring at me again. The people whom I loved are leaving me one by one, Tortured to watch it all over again, the devil enjoys all this fun. Minds of people controlled by this devil, won't ever be free all my efforts dissolved in vain, and my hopes will turn to ashes, I agree. Through other's eyes, and tongue he will speak. Can't blame the people, who are possessed by the demon, Lovely they are as always, but they became so bleak. it is he, who is just toying with the weak. He is n