Break-Out !

Break-out. I got to break out, I have to. Problem was not with anyone. No one is to blame, just cant blame anyone. If it was for one person, I could have easily blamed and moved on. Who doesn’t want to move on? The fact is world is not goanna change for me. Their attitude will always be like this for me. Or to be more precise, their attitude will always be like this for a handicapped creep like me. I am being tortured, psychologically. There are just so many memories that I cannot take. If it was for one day or so, life wouldn’t have been this difficult. This trauma goes on a daily basis. I am so tired; I can’t entertain this any longer. If there was something from my side that was lacking, I would have said myself to improve. There is no mistake from my side, there never was any mistake from my side. I am not to be blamed. I got to get out of this guilt. There is nothing that I have to improve to get accepted. There is nothing that I have to fix to shorten these distances. It’s their ...